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Cultural Council Minutes 02-18-16

Minutes of the Bolton Cultural Council
February 18, 2016

Attending upstairs at Town Hall: Pat Bensetler, Bharti Bhakta, Margot Brody (co-chair), Marie Fusaro, Teresa Sauer (co-chair), Nan Shnitzler

Absent: Alison Morgan, Julia Quinn-Szcesuil

Voted unanimously to hold grantee reception March 18, 2016 in the Lois Alex room at the Houghton Building from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and to spend BCC funds for certain items as needed.

Statewide assembly
Margot and Nan told the group about the MCC statewide assembly at the State House on Feb. 10.

Teresa will book the Lois Alex room with Town Secretary Linda Day.
Teresa will check on feasibility of having video of grantee performances during the reception.
Margot & Teresa will be in charge of decorations and refreshments.
Nan & Julia will do invitations and publicity. Among the invitees are legislators, grantees, MCC contacts, selectmen, town hall staff, former BCC members, economic development committee, school principals, school committee, parent council, artisan guild.
Nan will check on state citations for grantees.
Co-chairs will need to prepare a little speech about what BCC is about and trying to do.

Community survey
Nan will prepare the survey to hand out at the special Town Meeting Feb. 22.
Among the revisions, turn Question 3 into multiple choice, add mailing address, push out deadline.

Grantee feedback
Discussion prompted by Margot about how to solicit feedback from grantees on how effective a program turned out to be. Marie suggested grantees should be “cued” to do a self evaluation. This could be done in conjunction with the reimbursement process.

Next meeting
March 8, 2016 7 p.m. upstairs at Town Hall.